Hwy 11E Multi-Family - For Sale or Development Opportunity
Land/Development -
Property Information
Pricing on Request
Traffic Signalized Corner
Up to +/- 27 acres with 985 feet of Highway frontage
Traffic Counts : at E . Broadway Blvd 18,750 , at Hicks Rd. 17,540 , at Universal St. 18,356
Nearby Retailers: Walmart, Lowe’s, TVA Credit Union, and Jefferson Memorial Hospital
• Minutes from Morristown Area with growing residential and close to Carson Newman College
Demographics: 3 Mile 5 Mile 10 Mile
Population: 14,751 22,451 69,541
Average Household Income: $74,598 $72,928 $74,271
Email Peter Medlyn
Marketing Package
Property Features
- Land/Development